It’s Always Sunny Somewhere

Now that the weather is turning colder,  it is nice to imagine a warm setting to travel to.  We are traveling to Texas for Christmas, but in the meantime I thought it would be great to take you to sunny sites blogs that will really help to bring a little ray of sunshine into your life.

Sheila {the daughter we will visit in Texas} has a great blog called Simply Sheila, and sunny it is.  Heather,(my oldest daughter) at Desert Villa writes about sharing and  brings a lot  of joy to her readers. Her husband, Proffessor Joe, has a blog  where he uses humor to tackle some pretty serious topics.

Well, I didn’t mean to turn this into a family affair, but you can see  this mom is proud.

When I”m in a crafty mood, I can just click over at Pillows ala Mode.  She never ceases to bring a smile to my face.  She also loves to share websites that she likes.  Posted on her blog today was a site called   heylookawriterfellow  , and I was curious to know what was going on in his world, so I jumped on over and now I am a follower.  Mike Allegra is the author of a book on
Thanksgiving (for kids) that you may want to check into.

Truth and Cake gives her readers some serious stuff to chew on.  I love the cake part. She has been Fresh Pressed several times, so  be assured her blogs are really great reads.

More serious, but somewhat lighthearted and keeps my spirits high is an ordinary miracle day.

For a look at some of the technical side to writing, Andy Black has written some insightful material, and shares his own stories.

Last but not least is Lillie McFerrin.  Lots of motivation on her site, including the addictive Five Sentence Fiction ( prompt is given each Thursday.)  Be sure and check out my fiction.

So there are my sunshiny links.  Do you have any favorites?

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